Novak Composites offers in 2016 interesting training seminars around the theme composites in cooperation with Grasse Zur Composite Testing. The training seminars take place in our new premises in Berlin and generally consist of a theoretical and a practical session, which also provides composite material testing with our universal testing machines.
Please note that the number of participants is limited in order to ensure a high level of training seminars.
We provide a limited number of places for students at a reduced price.

Calendar 2016
14.-15. April | Fachseminar DMS-Technik |
02.-03. Juni | Fachseminar DMS-Technik |
09.-10. Juni | Richtige Aushärtung von Harz-Härter-Systemen |
23.-24. Juni | Fachseminar DMS-Technik |
01.-02. September | Richtige Aushärtung von Harz-Härter-Systemen |
15.-16. September | Fachseminar DMS-Technik |
22.-23. September | Compositewerkstoffe |
13.-14. Oktober | Normenübersicht Composite-Prüfung |
20.-21. Oktober | Fachseminar DMS-Technik |
10.-11. November | Klassische Laminattdeorie (CLT) mit experimentell ermittelten Kenngrößen |
08.-09. Dezember | Strain Gage Technology and Application |
For more information, please refer to the information sheets for technical seminar “strain gage technology” and technical seminar “correct curing of resin-hardener systems”. Further information sheets will be published soon.